Saturday, February 11, 2012

SCREENR.COM is one of my favorite free online tools.  I use it just about every week.  It captures whatever is on your computer screen.  You can record the whole screen or just a portion of it.  There is a time limit though - five minutes.  But this has never been a problem for me.  I use my recording time wisely.  You also can pause whenever you need to but once you stop, the video is finished.  You have the option of keeping a video or trashing it.  If you sign up for a free account, Screenr will store all your videos for you and each one has its own URL.  Let's take a look.  Click on the link below for a quick demonstration video.

Want to see a perfect example of what can be done using  Click on the link below to see a tutorial created by one of my Art One students.  In the video she is teaching how to make a tessellation using Paint.  A student really knows something if they can teach others to do it.  What an assessment tool Screenr can be.  You may not be able to view this video at school because it is on YouTube.  Sorry!

Tessellation Tutorial

Here's a quick excerpt from her tutorial. 

Can you think of any ways a teacher might use this in the classroom, or a media specialist in the media center or an adminstrator with the school staff?

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